Tuesday, July 17, 2007

How to Wait for a Summer Vacation

1. Find something that you can really get into. On the weekends you might want to do something active, like rock climbing, or taking dancing lessons. If sports isn't your thing, try something else- whatever you enjoy doing. It's important to find something that you enjoy doing because time passes by really quickly.
2. Consider your close relationships. If you have a boyfriend or really close friend, it may make you less likely to want to leave. This will be a tough situation to deal with. On the other hand, a close relationship can distract your attention.
3. Learn about your school, your country, area, et cetera. Learn about its good things and what it has to offer, because when you leave, you'll appreciate your vacation a lot more, and you might learn a very valuable lesson from this.
4. Assignments, exams and homework. These can really make us feel horrible and dreary. Think of it this way- if you get through these tough times, then that summer vacation will come. In the mean time work hard at school!
5. Countdown days until summer. This shows you that time is really passing by, and fast. Trust me, this works.
6. Find things that your vacation location has to offer that your home also does. For example, if you're going to Italy, and you want to have real pizza, not that Pizza Hut, go to an old restaurant in your city. But don't do this too much. If you do, you won't appreciate your vacation spot as much.

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